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The Boardwalk, Put-In-Bay, Ohio, Lake Erie

Writer: dockanddineloopdockanddineloop

The Boardwalk 1-419-285-3695

341 Bayview Ave

Put-in-Bay, Ohio 43456

Contact Put-in-Bay for docking 1-419-285-2076 or use an open mooring ball.

Since 1985 The Boardwalk has been the stately greeter for all mariners entering Put-In-Bay Harbor.

Capt'N, another couple, and I entered the harbor on a Sunday as we don't care much for the party crowd. For the most part docks here are busy and some require rafting. Being a trawler we don't have much to walk across so we chose to get a mooring ball out in the harbor.

The balls have a steel ring on top that easy enough to pull a line through and get your bridle connected to. We grabbed it from the stern and guided it to the bow. The harbor is well protected on three sides and deep, 12' under us. A strong wind coming from the North, North East might give some waves but anything else is nothing.

Calling the water taxi on channel 10 will promptly get you service between the balls and The Boardwalk, unlimited trips. Tip the Captian!

The water taxi drops you off on the boardwalk beside the restauranteur the full docks. We prefer the Upper Deck so there is a long flight of stairs to climb. There are also a handful of eaters on the boardwalk level.

We were quickly greeted by our bar keep, Will, a seasoned veteran of The Boardwalk summers and an Ohio resident. He was quick with drink recommendations and suggestions for lunch.

Our guests got the Lake Erie Walleye Sandwich and Lobster Grilled Cheese Sandwich. Both entries looked great and got good reviews. Well, As good as you can get from two people that were just ecstatic about being on South Bass Island.

Capt'N had the Perch Sandwich with a side of Sweet Potato Fries. I did steel a chunk of search while she was looking the other way, WOW! Not over cooked and well seasoned, next time!

I had a Black and Blue, Bacon, Chicken Sandwich. Blue is always overpowering for chicken but considering I was dipping my Sweet Potato Fries in Tabasco and mustard, I didn't care! Such a great meal.

If you're traveling to the island The Boardwalk should be on your Dock and Dine list(Because who stays here only one day, make a list!). The service is top notch and has the enthusiastic spirit you would expect from an island destination! However like everywhere, you will have a wait on busy times, tip well and relax, you're on lake time.

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